Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 2

Day two:  Todays tip is to set your timer for twenty minutes and cleen out one small area of your house, like your refrigerator or jewelry box.  I wanted to clean out the spot next to the families favorite chair.  It is where everyone wants to sit.  This is the spot where we read our books and magazines.  It becomes cluttered easily.

Friday, May 6, 2011

In 30 Days, You Can Get Organized

Day 1;  This is the first day to my new thirty day challenge.  I hate how unorganized I am.  Maybe with this thirty day challenge I can be one or thirty day closer to concurring my messy nature.  I found this challenge at the Self magazine website.  The first day tip is to:

Make Your Bed!

So make your bed and you will feel better.  I love it when my bed is made.  It makes the bed look more inviting like it is saying "Come lay on know you want to."